Dear Christians,
This week, Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah and so, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Have a meaningful Christmas filled with whatever makes you merry. Whether it's joyful worship celebrating the birth of Jesus or simply gift-giving, I truly wish you the best.
You'll notice I didn't wish you a Happy Hanukkah. That wouldn't seem right, given that you are not celebrating Hanukkah. (Unless you are; in that case, Happy Hanukkah!)
And I didn't wish you "Happy Holidays" because, my Christian friends, I know that you celebrate Christmas. I also know that some of you have a problem with "Happy Holidays," and that's why I'm writing.
Every year there's a whole "Happy Holidays" kerfuffle because some Christians feel it degrades Christmas. Let me try to explain how I see it.
I believe "Happy Holidays" is an attempt to create a positive environment in stores.
Every marketer knows that a welcoming environment boosts sales, and I am grateful that capitalism welcomes all of us, regardless of heritage, to shop.
Human Resource directors took up "Happy Holidays" once they recognized that not all employees are uniform in belief and that "Christmas" wishes were alienating some of their workers. And let's remember Orthodox Christians who are disrespected when we forget they have a different date for Christmas. (It's coming up on Jan. 7.) If productivity requires different types of people to work together, why remind some of us we are on the outside? An office "Christmas" party sends a very clear message: we are not part of you.
And this is the heart of the matter.
If a store has only Christmas decorations, the message is it cares only for its Christian customers. If a public school celebrates only Christmas, then the message is very clear: Non-Christians are not truly part of the community. If my place of business can't be inclusive the message is that I am excluded.
We Jews are well practiced in being the minority. You, my Christian friends, have been in the majority for so long, I fear you may not understand so I respectfully ask you to trust me on this: When you insist that "Merry Christmas" be the only greeting allowed, you make it very clear that the rest of us are out, that we are not really part of America. That may not be your intention, but it is the result.
"Happy Holidays" is an American statement. It says that even though we all know which religion dominates, all Americans can partake in the feelings of good will at this time of year. "Happy Holidays" is kind and thoughtful and makes me feel like our place as a minority is valued by the majority. Some of you may grouse but we on the outside really do appreciate it.
Of course, let's not go overboard. My synagogue doesn't have a "holiday" party: We have a Hanukkah party. Likewise, it would be strange to have a "holiday" party in a church. (Exception made for and a respectful shout out to the Unitarian Universalists.)
To my Christian colleagues, neighbors and friends, have a very Merry Christmas. To all the rest of us, with respect, Happy Holidays.
Sincerely, Larry
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